Insights for app owners, developers, and all digital product enthusiasts

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native vs. cross platform app development comparison guide

Native vs. Cross-platform App Development – All You Need to Know as an Entrepreneur

Enter any forum discussing native vs. cross-platform app development and you’ll see developers with strong opinions in favor of one approach and against the other. Few will admit that both have their pros and cons. So, who is right? The truth is, it depends on your business goals. Both native and cross-platform solutions can be […]

Splitting Pull Request

How to Split Pull Requests – Good Practices, Methods and Git Strategies

6 good practices, 7 methods, and 4 Git Strategies for Pull Request creating and splitting.

Flutter vs React Native

Flutter vs. React Native – Which is Better for Your Project in 2024?

Flutter vs React Native performance comparison for Business & App Owners. Find an idea framework is ideal for your cross-platform app development.

Introducing new Apple Glasses: Apple Vision Pro

Breaking Down the Apple Vision Pro: A Revolutionary Spatial Computer

With companies striving to offer new, more engaging, and unique ways to experience all kinds of content, we are about to witness innovative products mixing reality with virtuality. Now it’s time for Apple to introduce an all-new device, powered by a new operating system and designed for a new era. Let’s look at the Apple […]

Flutter SSL Certificate pinning

SSL Certificate Pinning in Flutter

HTTPS basics To understand certificate pinning you need to know first how HTTPS works in general. Look at the following diagram: Let’s take a look at the Certificate verification step. By default, it bases on the trust chain. What is that chain? Let’s take a look at the picture. The idea of the chain is […]

Publishing an App on the Apple Store - Guide for App Owners

How to Submit an App to the App Store – Guide for App Owners

Follow this guide to submit your iOS app to the App Store successfully. 

React Native Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons of React Native Development in 2024 – Business Perspective

Learn the key advantages and disadvantages of React Native and consider when to use React Native.

how to build an app in Flutter - project setup

Flutter Project Setup | How to Develop an App with Flutter – Part 2

Learn how to build your first app with Flutter. In this part, we show you how to set your project up.

Future of iOS development and iOS development trends for 2020 z- article

What is the Future of iOS App Development – 7 Trends for 2020

Discover the top 7 iOS development trends for 2020 you simply need to know to build a modern and innovative application.

how to build an app in Flutter – introduction for beginners

Introduction | How to Develop an App with Flutter – Part 1

Getting started with Flutter development. Introduction to our step-by-step Flutter app development tutorial for beginners.

TDD cycle

6 Misconceptions About TDD – Part 6. You Can Have Both Reliability and Low Coupling

The final part of our guide to the TDD cycle – this time, we explore the problem of reliability and low coupling.

TDD cycle

6 Misconceptions About TDD – Part 5. Mocks, Mocks Everywhere!

Another part of our guide to the TDD cycle – this time, we take a closer look at mocks in testing.

TDD (Test-Driven Development) – Baby Steps

6 Misconceptions about TDD – Part 4. There is one right granularity of steps

Learn what the Baby Steps in TDD mean and discover if it is always the best approach.

TDD cycle

6 Misconceptions about TDD – Part 3. TDD cycle can be neglected

Read how to start using TDD cycle in your daily work and why it is worth it 

TDD key rules and laws

6 Misconceptions about TDD – Part 2. We all understand Key Laws of TDD in the same way

Learn about ▪ 3 Laws of TDD by Uncle Bob ▪ 2 rules of TDD by Kent Beck ▪ 3 steps of TDD by Martin Fowler ▪ 4 common misunderstandings about these theories.

1500x800 QA

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Grant Manual Tester Access to the Code

When a manual tester wants to automate. Why you shouldn’t be afraid of giving QA specialists access to a repository and how to do it smart.

How to Report Bugs so that Developers Won’t Hate you

How to Report Bugs so that Developers Won’t Hate you – 7 tips for Quality Assurance Professionals

How should a Quality Assurance Professional communicate with a Developer? In the article, you will find 7 must-read tips that will help you avoid conflicts and make your cooperation more enjoyable and productive.

How to Create Bitrise Step in Go - Flutter Example

How to Create Bitrise Step in Go – Flutter Example

In this article, we will show you how to create & publish your own Bitrise step on the example of Flutter. We will focus on programming in Go which is the main language used by Bitrise. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Native app development involves creating mobile apps specifically for Android or iOS platforms. Developers build these apps using programming languages and tools unique to each platform, enabling the application to fully leverage the operating system’s features. For Android, this involves using Java or Kotlin. For iOS, developers use Objective-C or Swift.

Examples of native mobile apps include:

  • Google Maps
  • Uber
  • WhatsApp

Cross-platform app development enables developers to create mobile apps for multiple operating systems, such as iOS and Android, using a single code base. This differs from native app development, which requires separate codebases for each platform.

Popular cross-platform frameworks include:

Native app development is ideal when performance and seamless integration with platform-specific features are paramount. It suits projects with high complexity and clear specifications, ensuring the best possible user experience on each platform.

Cross-platform app development is advantageous for projects that need to be launched quickly and efficiently across multiple platforms. It is also suitable for projects that might expand to web or desktop applications, or for those operating on a tighter budget while still aiming to reach a broad audience.