Category: Blog, Inside Droids On Roids

208 Reasons Why 2017 Was a Blast For Us!

We can’t believe how many awesome things can happen in 365 days… 2017 was a blast! We want to share with you the highlights of the year ✨ Enjoy!

praca w Droids On Roids

Let’s start with a timeline of the best moments:
The Best of 2018 Droids On Roids

And that’s not all! Here are a few other numbers:

  • 16 people joined our team
  • 16 is also the number of projects we worked on during the year
  • 8 workshops were run, by us, for our prospect clients
  • 15 organized meetups (Toast, Let Swift, Dribbble WroMeetup)
  • 9 lectures at Wrocław University of Science and Technology (iOS & Android from the very beginning)
  • 27 new open source projects
  • 49 new blog posts
  • 16 conferences that we took part in
  • 5 people from our team that gave talks at conferences
  • 2 business runs where we represented Droids On Roids
  • 31 people started English or Spanish language classes at our office

In case you missed it…

As our marketing team grew from 1 to 4, we also grew our social media, having fun with creating daily InstaStories or updating our Facebook page. We also focused on our blog, which rose by over 40% comparing to last year! It’s appreciated by well-known media platforms like Android Weekly, Android Dev Digest, The Week in Swift, Swift Weekly, Hacker News and more! Here are the best posts:

  1. RxSwift by Examples (series):
  2. Android Flip Animation – Explained
  3. Realm in Android – simple example
  4. How to Create a Measuring App With ARKit In iOS 11
  5. Edge Cases to Keep in Mind. Part 1 – Text

If we sum up the above numbers and moments, we have 208 reasons to summarize 2017 as an amazing year. Full of enthusiasm, commitment, initiative, events, trips, and sometimes even a bit of madness 😉  It will remain in our memory and hearts for a long time.

Also, we wanted to say THANK YOU to all of our friends, readers and followers! We are proud we can inspire you and bring something new to your life. Hope you stick with us for the next year.

What’s next?

We believe that Droids On Roids is just starting up, and the best times are yet to come. We have the impression that every goal is within our reach because we are lucky to work with such amazing people!

P.S. We’re hiring! If you want to join our team and do cool things together, check our open positions on our career page!