Insights for app owners, developers, and all digital product enthusiasts

What is Accessibility in Mobile Apps?

What is Accessibility in Mobile Apps? Legal Requirements in App Development Series – Part I

“Accessibility” is becoming a hot topic in 2024 with its growing popularity, largely due to upcoming EU legislation (from June 2025) covering digital products for consumers of various services in the largest markets. However, it is not only regulations that are driving this change. Growing consumer awareness is creating a popular demand to truly move […]

Fintech Cybersecurity

Fintech Cybersecurity: Challenges, Best Practices, and Future Trends

In 2017, Equifax – a major credit reporting agency – experienced one of the largest data breaches ever. This cyber attack exposed the personal information of 147 million people. The fallout was huge – Equifax’s stock dropped by 35%, and they faced a lawsuit resulting in a $700 million settlement. This breach seriously hurt their […]

IoT security threats and solutions

8 Key IoT Security Challenges and Proven Solutions from the Field

At Droids On Roids, we work daily on developing connectivity applications that interact seamlessly with our clients’ custom IoT devices. We know firsthand how crucial it is to prioritize security in this area. This inspired us to create this article. What is IoT security? Read also: What is Application Security? All You Need To Know […]

Android Mobile App Accessibility - guide for developers

How to Provide Accessibility in Your Native Android App with Jetpack Compose | Part 2: Scaling • Text Size • Focus Order • Labeling

At Droids On Roids, we develop digital products for clients around the globe, spanning industries from mobile commerce and foodtech to ecology. No matter the field, we see that accessibility is always crucial to an app’s market success and how it’s perceived by users.  That’s why I want to share some tips with you on […]

Google Safety section

What is Google Play’s new ‘Data safety’ and How it May Affect Your Mobile App?

(If you’re wondering why you need a privacy policy and how to write one, check out our latest article). Increasing information requirements for software providers is a part of the global data privacy trend that can be observed since GDPR (2018), followed by CCPA (2020) and the introduction of other cross-border laws. At the same […]


10 Myths About GDPR in Mobile Apps

The privacy policy is mandatory in every app You may have heard that the privacy policy is a must-have and you cannot have an app without it. Well, it is not quite accurate. A privacy policy is not obligatory according to GDPR. On the other hand, you (or more precisely the data controller) have to […]

How to Write a Mobile App Privacy Policy

How to Write a Mobile App Privacy Policy

How to Write a Mobile App Privacy Policy As frequent users of internet-related media, especially mobile or web apps, we are all familiar with pop-up windows with privacy information; however, even though we are bombarded with privacy notices on a daily basis, there is still a lack of clarity on what exactly this privacy information […]

5 Key Legal Issues to Consider in your Mobile App Development in 2021

5 Key Legal Issues to Consider in your Mobile App Development in 2024

5 top legal issues to be concerned by a future App Owner.

GDPR meaning app development

What does GDPR mean for Mobile App Owners? – 12 Use Cases

In this article, you will find 12 useful GDPR Use Cases for App Owners, Product Owners and everyone who wants to develop a mobile app