Insights for app owners, developers, and all digital product enthusiasts

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application security guide

What is Application Security? All You Need To Know Guide

Uncertain about how to secure your application or which steps to take? You’re not alone – every aspiring digital product creator has faced this challenge. As app development experts with over a decade of experience, we understand how confusing it can be at the start. That’s why we’ve crafted this guide to help you master […]

healthcare software types guide

15 Top Healthcare Software Types – Industry Overview

Meticulous Research forecasts that the healthcare IT market will reach $907.18 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 13.2% from 2024 to 2031. This rapid growth is being driven by technological advances, increasing demand for efficient healthcare delivery, patient engagement, and the need for regulatory compliance. Here’s an overview of the current state of […]

native vs. cross platform app development comparison guide

Native vs. Cross-platform App Development – All You Need to Know as an Entrepreneur

Enter any forum discussing native vs. cross-platform app development and you’ll see developers with strong opinions in favor of one approach and against the other. Few will admit that both have their pros and cons. So, who is right? The truth is, it depends on your business goals. Both native and cross-platform solutions can be […]

convert native to kotlin multiplatform guide

Convert Your Native Project to Kotlin Multiplatform: Why, When and How

Technologies such as Flutter and React Native are often preferred by new businesses or those seeking to expand their product portfolios. The advantages of having a single codebase, a unified development team, reduced costs, and simplified maintenance are highly appealing. However, transitioning to one of these technologies may not be an obvious decision if your […]

Splitting Pull Request

How to Split Pull Requests – Good Practices, Methods and Git Strategies

6 good practices, 7 methods, and 4 Git Strategies for Pull Request creating and splitting.

Flutter vs Kotlin comparison

Flutter vs. Kotlin: Choose the Best Fit for Your Project  – Developers’ Guide

In today’s world, mobile app development is rapidly evolving. Developers are constantly looking for efficient and versatile frameworks – something that can help them build high-quality applications with ease. Two popular choices for the Android platform are Flutter and native Android. Flutter, developed by Google, is an open-source UI toolkit. It allows us to create […]

Best AI code generators

10 Best AI Coding Assistant Tools in 2024– Guide for Developers

AI coding assistants are becoming more and more popular, revolutionizing the software development industry. They can generate code and automate tedious coding tasks, providing intelligent code snippets and suggestions that reduce development time. By integrating these tools into your workflow, you can focus on creative problem-solving, resulting in the faster delivery of customer projects. So, […]

low-code vs no-code comparison

Low-Code vs. No-Code Development – Comparison for Business Owners

Low-code and no-code solutions simplify and accelerate app development. Discover their advantages and pitfalls to make an informed decision for your next project.

What is Flutter App Development

What is Flutter and How Can It Benefit Your Business?

What is Flutter, how it can improve app development and which businesses can benefit from it the most?

Flutter pros and cons for app owners

Pros and Cons of Flutter App Development

What is Flutter and how it can benefit your business? What are Flutter benefits and drawbacks from the app owner perspective? See if Flutter is a match for your next project

Flutter vs React Native

Flutter vs. React Native – Which is Better for Your Project in 2024?

Flutter vs React Native performance comparison for Business & App Owners. Find an idea framework is ideal for your cross-platform app development.

fragment shaders in flutter guide - shading widgets in flutter

Practical Fragment Shaders in Flutter | Guide – Shading Widgets

The first 3 parts of this guide focused mostly on getting a grip on the basics of fragment shaders in Flutter. Now that we know our way around them, and how to interact between GLSL and Flutter code, let’s learn how to merge the two together.  Find the previous lessons here: The simple way For […]

What is Kotlin Multiplatform?

Kotlin Multiplatform: A Smart Choice for Cross-platform Development?

In the IT industry, there are no silver bullets. When we create applications, we need to be smart and choose the best tools for our specific needs and current situation. When it comes to mobile app development, you’ve probably heard of this difficult decision: Build natively or cross-platform? At first glance, it might seem simple: […]

what is low-code? a complete guide to low-code development

The Low-Code Guide That Every Business Owner Should Read

Discover low-code: Unlock the power of simplified app development! Learn how low-code is revolutionizing the industry, its key benefits, and why it’s the foundation for 65% of app development today. Dive in and get all the insights!

Accessibility in Android app development - guide

How to Provide Accessibility in your Android App | Part 3: Semantic Properties and Screen Orientation

This is the third part of our series on providing accessibility in Android apps with Jetpack Compose. The previous parts: In the second one, you learned about the font scale, focus order and a few semantic properties. In this part, you’ll continue exploring the latter topic. At Droids On Roids, we create digital products for […]

product version for product development process

MVP, Core Path, MMP – Product Versions in App Development

The product development stages in creating a mobile application are usually divided into product versions. In this article, we want to focus on some of them: MVP, Core Path, and MMP, as they are critical steps on the way to a successful mobile app.

Introducing new Apple Glasses: Apple Vision Pro

Breaking Down the Apple Vision Pro: A Revolutionary Spatial Computer

With companies striving to offer new, more engaging, and unique ways to experience all kinds of content, we are about to witness innovative products mixing reality with virtuality. Now it’s time for Apple to introduce an all-new device, powered by a new operating system and designed for a new era. Let’s look at the Apple […]

Flutter for IoT Development

Why Flutter for IoT is Your Best Bet – Top 10 Reasons

IoT development specialists need a seamless and efficient way to create robust applications for connected devices. Cross-platform capabilities and a rich feature set could be perfect. But what solution offers such capabilities? Flutter is a perfect solution for IoT projects because it improves user experience and device integration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Application security testing is a process that developers use to find and fix security vulnerabilities in an application. Here’s what it involves:

    • Security audits: Testing the application to ensure that it meets certain security standards.

    • Penetration testing: Thinking like a hacker to find ways to break into the application. This may include trying to trick users into granting access.

    • Security scans: Running tests both as an outsider and as a logged-in user to identify vulnerabilities that might occur in different scenarios.

These security practices can help ensure that only authorized users have access to the application, keeping it secure from potential threats. By understanding and implementing these security controls and testing practices, you can better protect your application and its users.

Application security is crucial for several reasons:

    • Reduces risk: By finding and fixing vulnerabilities, you can reduce security risks and minimize the likelihood of attacks.

    • Common vulnerabilities: Software often has vulnerabilities. Even small ones can combine to create larger security threats. Reducing these vulnerabilities helps prevent attacks.

    • Proactive protection: Being proactive with security means you can detect and stop attacks early, sometimes before damage is done.

    • Cloud security: As more organizations move their data and operations to the cloud, the risk of attack increases. Application security helps protect these cloud-based assets.

    • Prevents major threats: Ignoring application security can expose your organization to serious and potentially devastating threats.

With all of the above in mind, ensuring application security helps protect your organization from various cyber threats.

Application security controls are techniques that improve the security of an application at the code level, making it less vulnerable to threats. These controls help the application handle unexpected inputs that cybercriminals might use to find vulnerabilities. By writing code carefully, developers can better manage these unexpected inputs and protect the app.

One method, called fuzzing, involves testing the app with random inputs to see which ones cause any unexpected behavior that could lead to security problems.