Insights for app owners, developers, and all digital product enthusiasts

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Flutter vs Kotlin comparison

Flutter vs. Kotlin: Choose the Best Fit for Your Project  – Developers’ Guide

In today’s world, mobile app development is rapidly evolving. Developers are constantly looking for efficient and versatile frameworks – something that can help them build high-quality applications with ease. Two popular choices for the Android platform are Flutter and native Android. Flutter, developed by Google, is an open-source UI toolkit. It allows us to create […]

fragment shaders in flutter guide - shading widgets in flutter

Practical Fragment Shaders in Flutter | Guide – Shading Widgets

The first 3 parts of this guide focused mostly on getting a grip on the basics of fragment shaders in Flutter. Now that we know our way around them, and how to interact between GLSL and Flutter code, let’s learn how to merge the two together.  Find the previous lessons here: The simple way For […]

How to create a Dart lint rule – plural quantity check example

How to create a Dart lint rule – plural quantity check example

Introduction Welcome, Flutter developers and all enthusiasts venturing into this innovative terrain! This article is a comprehensive guide to creating a Dart lint rule. That rule will check ARB files with translations. Dart lint is a static analysis tool for the Dart programming language that helps developers identify and address potential issues and style violations […]

Practical Fragment Shaders in Flutter Guide

Practical Fragment Shaders in Flutter | Guide – Generative Art Part 2

Exploring Fragemt Shaders in Flutter? Let’s learn the performance benefits they give us over the CPU-based rendering methods. This time, it’s all about making our art animated!

Fragment Shaders Flutter Guide

Practical Fragment Shaders in Flutter | Guide – Generative Art Part 1

GLSL shaders in Flutter: A step-by-step guide to crafting generative art with custom fragment shaders in app development.

Creating Fragment Shaders in Flutter – Guide for Beginners

Practical Fragment Shaders in Flutter | Guide – Introduction

Learn how to master Fragment Shaders in Flutt

Flutter SSL Certificate pinning

SSL Certificate Pinning in Flutter

HTTPS basics To understand certificate pinning you need to know first how HTTPS works in general. Look at the following diagram: Let’s take a look at the Certificate verification step. By default, it bases on the trust chain. What is that chain? Let’s take a look at the picture. The idea of the chain is […]

flutter developer group at droids on roids

What does being a part of Flutter Group at Droids On Roids look like? Flutter Developers share their stories

They work on different products and have different backgrounds – but each and every one of them is interested in Flutter. Who is part of the Flutter Group in Droids On Roids? We talked to 8 devs whose world revolves around this technology – here’s what they told us.

Graphics fushia

Google is officially releasing Fuchsia – OS to rule them all

On May 25th Google released the Fuchsia OS for the Google Home Hub aka first-generation Nest Hub. From the user’s perspective there are no expected changes. However, it is a huge milestone achieved. Fuchsia is the new OS made from scratch, completely different from the previous versions. Surprisingly the release was very quiet without any […]

Graphics survey

Flutter users satisfaction survey Q2 2021 results – 55% are very satisfied

On May 13th Google published the survey results collected over 8,000 responses. The vast majority (92%) is satisfied with Flutter and Dart. The latter mostly due to null safety. Users appreciated a single codebase for all the supported platforms and out of the box widgets as the factors in the decision to adopt the Flutter.

New Flutter version is here! Discover changes in Flutter 2.2.0

Flutter 2.2.0 Is Here! 3 Reasons Why It’s Awesome

Discover the three most important changes that came with Flutter 2.2.0 announced while Google I/O 2021.

App localization and internationalization in Flutter app development

Internationalizing and Localizing a Flutter App | How to Develop an App with Flutter – Part 7

Learn how to develop your first app with Flutter. This time, we will make our app multilingual.

How to develop your first app with Flutter widgets layer

Refining the Widgets Layer with Provider | How to Develop an App with Flutter – Part 6

Learn how to develop your first Flutter app. This time, we will focus on refining widgets layer with the provider package.

How to build your first app with Flutter – Networking and Connecting to API

Networking and Connecting to API | How to Develop an App with Flutter – Part 5

Learn how to build your first Flutter app. This time, we will focus on styling the home screen.

How to build an app with Flutter - tutorial part 4

Styling a Home Screen | How to Develop an App with Flutter – Part 4

Learn how to build your first Flutter app. This time, we will focus on styling the home screen.

How to build a Flutter app tutorial

Creating a Home Screen | How to Develop an App with Flutter – Part 3

Learn how to build your first Flutter app. This time we will focus on creating a home screen.

how to build an app in Flutter - project setup

Flutter Project Setup | How to Develop an App with Flutter – Part 2

Learn how to build your first app with Flutter. In this part, we show you how to set your project up.

how to build an app in Flutter – introduction for beginners

Introduction | How to Develop an App with Flutter – Part 1

Getting started with Flutter development. Introduction to our step-by-step Flutter app development tutorial for beginners.

Frequently Asked Questions

When comparing Flutter vs Kotlin for mobile app development, the choice hinges on the specific needs of mobile app developers. Flutter app development is renowned for its efficiency in creating cross-platform apps, enabling a single codebase for multiple platforms. Conversely, Kotlin, as a programming language, is tailored for natively developed apps, especially in the Android ecosystem. Flutter offers rapid development for cross-platform projects, while Kotlin excels in delivering finely tuned native Android apps. This distinction is crucial for developers weighing Kotlin vs Flutter for their upcoming mobile apps.