Insights for app owners, developers, and all digital product enthusiasts

If it helps, pick something more specific:
what is low-code? a complete guide to low-code development

The Low-Code Guide That Every Business Owner Should Read

Discover low-code: Unlock the power of simplified app development! Learn how low-code is revolutionizing the industry, its key benefits, and why it’s the foundation for 65% of app development today. Dive in and get all the insights!

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What Is a Mobile App – All You Should Know as a Future Product Owner

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User Story Mapping: Examples, Templates, and Best Practices | Guide for App Owners

Welcome to our guide to User Story Mapping! I’m Mark, a Business Analyst and Solution Architect. I’ve worked in fintech, ecommerce, and non-profit product development, collaborating with international teams at every step, from discovery to maintenance.  As a Solution Architect, I use USM very often. This method helps us get a solid grip on what […]

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12 Great Manual QA Testing Tools to Boost Your App’s Success

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Frequently Asked Questions

Low-code development lets anyone create apps easily, whether you’re in business or a pro developer. It uses a special tool that simplifies making software, so if you have an idea, you can quickly bring it to life to solve business problems.

Low-code development makes creating apps easier by using drag-and-drop tools instead of lots of coding. This means anyone can build apps quickly, even without much technical skill. The main benefits are speeding up app creation, boosting work output, making customers and workers happier, helping teams work better together, simplifying updates, lowering the learning curve for new developers, and leading to new ideas more quickly.

Here are some of the most important low-code practices:

  • Start small: Begin with a small, manageable project to get familiar with the platform’s capabilities.
  • Define clear requirements: Understand your app’s purpose and user needs before starting development.
  • Use pre-built components: Take advantage of the platform’s pre-built templates and components for faster development.
  • Test regularly: Continuously test your app for functionality and user experience improvements.
  • Plan for scalability: Design your app with future growth in mind, ensuring it can handle more users or data as needed.

Practical applications or projects that can be built using low-code platforms include:

  • Creating customer feedback forms to gather insights
  • Building inventory tracking systems for retailers
  • Automating employee onboarding processes to streamline HR tasks
  • Building scheduling apps for service providers
  • Building dashboards for real-time data visualization to support decision-making

These examples demonstrate the versatility of low-code in automating processes, managing data and improving user engagement across a range of industries.

Low-code databases are easy-to-use databases that work well with low-code platforms. They let both people who know how to code and those who don’t easily save, organize, and use data. You don’t need to be an expert in handling databases. These databases use a simple drag-and-drop method, just like low-code does, making it easy to connect your data with your apps.