Insights for app owners, developers, and all digital product enthusiasts

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how to speed up native mobile development

How to Speed Up Native Mobile App Development? | Guide for Businesses

Find out how to accelerate the mobile app development process and deliver your product to customers before your competitors.

Future of iOS development and iOS development trends for 2020 z- article

What is the Future of iOS App Development – 7 Trends for 2020

Discover the top 7 iOS development trends for 2020 you simply need to know to build a modern and innovative application.

how to choose a mobile development company

How to Choose the Best Mobile Development Company? | Guide for Businesses

Read this article to learn how to choose the best mobile development company for your project – key tips and questions you should ask to providers.

the role of mobile apps in digital transformation success

The Role of Mobile Apps in Digital Transformation + Success Stories

Find out how mobile applications help companies to speed up their digital transformation and deliver a great experience to employees and customers.

Digital transformation challenges and digital transformation benefits

Digital Transformation Benefits and Challenges | What Do They Mean to your Business?

Learn about the benefits and challenges of digital transformation illustrated by success stories from various industries.

what is digital transformation?

What is Digital Transformation? Definition for Businesses

Check out the digital transformation definition and learn how digital transformation can make your business responsive to the evolving customer needs & market changes.

estimating software development

Telling the Future: Does Estimating Software Development Projects Make Sense?

Find out how estimating software development project works, what are the key arguments against estimation, and when it makes sense to estimate.

mobile commerce development best practices for 2020

12 Mobile eCommerce Best Practices to Follow in 2024 (with Examples)

How to design an e-commerce app that generates sales and engagement? Here are 12 best practices for e-commerce mobile app development.

Future of mobile commerce - trends in mcommerce

Future of Mobile Commerce | mCommerce Trends & Stats

Want to know where mobile commerce is headed in 2021? Explore the future of mobile commerce and the most important mCommerce trends.

advantages of mcommerce for business

9 Key Advantages of Mobile Commerce for Businesses (+ 3 Challenges)

Find out what the key advantages of mCommerce are and what unique challenges mobile commerce presents to app owners.

What is mCommerce? Mobile commerce definition for businesses

What is mCommerce – Guide for CEOs

How do businesses use mCommerce applications today? Here’s an introduction to mobile commerce for app owners and companies looking to enter the mobile scene.

fixed price vs time and materials

Time and Materials vs. Fixed Price | Pros & Cons for Business Owners

Time and Materials vs Fixed Price – how to choose a software development pricing model for your project? Check out an in-depth comparison for App Owners.

Popular Software Development Pricing Models

3 Popular Software Development Pricing Models | Comparison for Businesses

What are the different types of software development contracts? How to choose a software development pricing model for your project?

in-house vs outsourcing software development

In-house vs. Outsourced Software Development | Business Perspective

Outsource to a software house or hire an in-house development team – a comparison for app owners.

e-Commerce mobile app features

Top 25 E-Commerce Mobile App Features | Business Perspective

Want to create an e-Commerce mobile app? Check out what features your product should have to make your users love it!

How to Build a Minimum Viable Product

How to Build a Minimum Viable Product – MVP Guide for App Owners

How to define a Minimum Viable Product? Step-by-step guide for app owners.

What is MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

What is a Minimum Viable Product? MVP Definition & Business Meaning

What is an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) in software development? How does it benefit your business? Which common mistakes should you avoid?

test-driven development pros for app owners

6 Misconceptions about TDD – Part 1. TDD Brings Little Business Value and Isn’t Worth it

TDD – a waste of time & money or just the opposite? Let’s take a look at Test-driven development from a business perspective.