Insights for app owners, developers, and all digital product enthusiasts

mobile app development cost in 2020 - how much does it cost to develop an app?

Mobile App Entwicklung Kosten: Wie viel kostet die Entwicklung einer mobilen App?

Discover how much it costs to build a mobile app in 2022 and how to reduce development costs with four proven practices.


7 Reasons Why Droids On Roids Is a Great Place for a Scrum Master

They say that a Scrum Master has significant opportunities to develop. The sky is the limit – you can focus on transforming your organization, empowering your team, providing a better understanding of the product development process, or all at once. What happens more often than we would want, however, is that the sky mentioned is […]

Story points vs hours 1

Estimations in Story Points vs Hours – What to Choose for Software Development?

The development of software and mobile applications is classified as a complex domain in the Cynefin decision-making model. This means that we are in the domain of “unknown unknowns” and cause-effect relationships are only determinable for historical data. Furthermore, we are in an environment of constant changes. Everyday, we gain knowledge and understanding about the […]

Facts and myths of the QA industry

Facts and Myths About the Quality Assurance Industry

Fact #1 – Qualities matter Whether you are suitable for the position of QA Engineer can be checked in a simple way’ you just need to have at least some of the qualities described below. Curiosity and inquisitiveness – these are two very important qualities a QA should have. Often, thanks to them, we find […]

how to become a mobile qa engineer

How to Become a Mobile Quality Assurance Engineer?

Mobile application industry The mobile industry is growing every year. According to research, it is estimated that users spent $133 billion on mobile apps and games in 2021. This is an increase of almost 20% on the previous year. The App Store and Google Play rankings are dominated by social, service, messaging and gaming apps. […]

what goals to set for digital products before you start working on them

Digital Product Goals and Metrics: How to Set Product Goals with Examples

Vision – How to inspire and align others towards your dream? To get to the truly powerful product goal, you need to start from the very top. Either you’re just starting up your business or have been active for years now. Maybe you are your own boss or you are an employee of a bigger […]

How to Write a Mobile App Privacy Policy

How to Write a Mobile App Privacy Policy

How to Write a Mobile App Privacy Policy As frequent users of internet-related media, especially mobile or web apps, we are all familiar with pop-up windows with privacy information; however, even though we are bombarded with privacy notices on a daily basis, there is still a lack of clarity on what exactly this privacy information […]

Scrum vs Kanban vs Scrumban – Comparison for App & Product Owners

Kanban in Software Development – Guide for App Owners

This is the second article from the series explaining the most popular Agile frameworks for Product Owners. Kanban is in third place in terms of the number of projects using it (according to In second place, there is Scrumban, which will be further explained in the third article from the series. But to understand Scrumban, you need to understand Kanban’s basic assumptions. Let’s start, then!

flutter developer group at droids on roids

What does being a part of Flutter Group at Droids On Roids look like? Flutter Developers share their stories

They work on different products and have different backgrounds – but each and every one of them is interested in Flutter. Who is part of the Flutter Group in Droids On Roids? We talked to 8 devs whose world revolves around this technology – here’s what they told us.

What is Scrumban? Scrumban definition

What is Scrumban? | Definition + 5 Common Scrumban Myths

Kanban and Scrum have both settled down well in software development, but what the heck is this Scrum-hybrid for?

leave management software

Efficient Leave Management Using Online Software

See how leave management software can change your organization and your employees’ performance

Graphics fushia

Google is officially releasing Fuchsia – OS to rule them all

On May 25th Google released the Fuchsia OS for the Google Home Hub aka first-generation Nest Hub. From the user’s perspective there are no expected changes. However, it is a huge milestone achieved. Fuchsia is the new OS made from scratch, completely different from the previous versions. Surprisingly the release was very quiet without any […]

Graphics survey

Flutter users satisfaction survey Q2 2021 results – 55% are very satisfied

On May 13th Google published the survey results collected over 8,000 responses. The vast majority (92%) is satisfied with Flutter and Dart. The latter mostly due to null safety. Users appreciated a single codebase for all the supported platforms and out of the box widgets as the factors in the decision to adopt the Flutter.

New Flutter version is here! Discover changes in Flutter 2.2.0

Flutter 2.2.0 Is Here! 3 Reasons Why It’s Awesome

Discover the three most important changes that came with Flutter 2.2.0 announced while Google I/O 2021.

Scrum in Software Development - Guide for App Owners

Scrum in Software Development – Guide for App Owners

Scrum is one of the Agile frameworks that plays a great role in successful software development. See what it is, how it works, and check if it’s a good fit for your project.

Dates and time - edge cases in app and backend development

Edge Cases in App & Backend Development. Part 4 – Dates & Time

Discover the most common traps and pitfalls related to dates and time you may face during (not only mobile) app development.

Product discovery process and tips

Product Discovery Process – A Practical Case Study for Product Owners

What is the Product Discovery process? How does it look in practice? Read this article, to learn the answers.

How to develop an app like Uber in 2020 - Carpooling App Development Guide for App Owners

How to Make an App like Uber: Process, Cost & Tips

Use our expert tips to develop a successful carpooling app like Uber and see how much it costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

In short, according to our 10 years of experience, and market knowledge:

  • A basic mobile app for 1 platform costs $25,000 – $50,000,
  • A medium-complexity app for 1 platform costs around $50,000 – $100,000,
  • A complex app for 1 platform costs more than $100,000.

The key factors that affect the cost of developing an app:

  • App features and their complexity
  • Customization of Visual Design
  • The geographic location of a development team
  • Number of platforms
  • Native or cross-platform
  • Team setup
  • Backend infrastructure
  • App administrationApp maintenance cost

You can reduce the cost of developing your application by following a few practices:

  • Prioritize features early on
  • Involve Quality Assurance early on
  • Plan for the future – make long-term plans
  • Hire an outsourced team
  • Consider cross-platform development with Flutter or React Native

1 month of app development for 1 platform costs around $23,510 / 21 500€ (assuming that your team consists of 2 devs per platform + 1 Scrum Master, and that you chose an Extended QA Plan – perfect for medium-complexity apps).

To look into the detailed calculation and assumptions, read this section.